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Beon, CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy
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Type of Organisation

Electricity distribution companies and developers of large-scale solar and

wind farms and major power infrastructure.

Employer Profile

As electricity distribution companies we provide safe, reliable and affordable

power to 1.9 million Victorian customers every day. We use our

network of poles, wiresand infrastructure to bring power to homes and

businesses across almost 65% of Victoria — that’s more than 120,000

kilometres of wires and 850,000 poles.    


But we do so much more than manage poles and wires. We’re also the gateway to

a clean energy future, dedicated to finding solutions and harnessing new technologies

to benefit our customers, communities and the environment. This includes industry leading projects in community batteries, demand management, smart charging for electric vehicles (EVs) and microgrids.    


As more customers choose solar, batteries, EVs and smart appliances, the electricity system is becoming increasingly complex, and so too is the level of innovation required to manage it.    


Through Beon Energy Solutions, we’re also developing large-scale solar and wind farms, as well as building major power infrastructure.


Locations where there are vacancies for graduates 



Residency requirements for Graduates wishing to apply

All Candidates Considered including International Students


Roles available for Graduates 

Finance, Engineering, IT, Corporate & Customer

Degree subjects required for Graduates wishing to apply

Arts, Business, Commerce, Data and Analytics, Finance, Economics, Engineering, IT, Law, Public Policy and Social Science

Employer Website

What do recent graduates say are the best things about working with us?

"The culture here is great, very welcoming and everyone wants to help you. I'm not treated as a junior employee I'm treated as an equal."

"Interesting work, multiple rotations around the business in grad program, flexible work arrangements, supportive peers"

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